Press To Handstand
Pressing up to a handstand is a pretty nice skill to have, or to train for when it comes to bodyweight training. It is a hard skill to reach if you have never done this before, but the road to it can be fun and full of gains, because when you divide the Press To Handstand you have 3 things you need to work on:
- Mobility (Pike flexibility and Shoulder overhead flexibility)
- Strength (Being able to lean and hold that position)
- Balance (Balancing the Handstand when you press from the ground)
The Strength part –
Leg Assisted Press will teach you how to protract and elevate your shoulders during the movement.
It will strengthen your lean because you are going to hold the top position for 2-3s and repeat that for reps. This exercise will have a transfer to a Tuck Press To Handstand because you are starting from the lower position and pressing up to the beginning of the standing Press To Handstand position.
You can also try out the Slide Press using sliders or wool socks on the floor. Both work very nice together. Doing both exercises is also an option. Try doing 3 sets of Leg Assisted Presses than after 3 sets of Slide Presses. Try to do up to 3-6 repetitions and keep the rest between 2-3 min.
Challange by: Petar Smash, personal coach.
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